Please don't be disappointed in the cliched structure of this post. The reality is, I want to write something, but I'm too dang lazy to actually construct something with paragraphs and some recognizable form. So, look out Dave Letterman, here comes another top ten:
Top ten things I'm looking forward to in Chicago
during the summer (in no particular order)
1. Ice cream at open air restaurants.
2. Music festivals.
3. Beach parties at the home of a certain person.
4. Free orchestra concerts at Millenium Park.
5. Movies in Grant Park. All About Eve is the first for this season.
6. Dancing lessons in the park.
7. Outdoor reading...good almost anywhere.
8. Architecture tour of the city.
9. All things associated with the lake. Running, frisbee, reading, boating...
10. Not hating my life when I go outside. Not having to wear a scarf, gloves, heavy jacket, and boots. Not having to wear shoes, period.
When the outdoor thermometers begin to read above 60 degrees Farenheit consistently, people get happy, including me.
This makes me wish I lived somewhere with culture, somewhere with free music events that had great places for reading and coffee shops with outdoor seating (not next to a gigantic interstate). I will get happy when we start seeing above 60-degree weather, but Upland definitely leaves something to be desired as far as summer activities go. I guess I could always go swimming in Taylor lake, right?
I too am really pumped about spending a summer in Chicago, and your list is a good representation of why. Yah for warmer weather!
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